Tower Internals Portfolio

For a packed tower to provides optimum performance, it is important to combine them with the most correct column internals. Most of the times shortfall in packed bed performance in terms of capacity and efficiency or both results from poor choice of associate internals. GLOBTECH engineers use its extensive experience and application knowledge to combine the packed bed with the right internals to maximize the packing performance.

The most important internals selection is the choice of the liquid and vapor distributor for the packed bed. Some key parameters that needs to be considered for selection of liquid distributors include;

  • Packed bed application à Gravity distributors such as Trough or Deck type provide better distribution quality when compared to pressure type such spray nozzle distributor.
  • Specific liquid rate: Trough distributors are better choice for low to moderate liquid rates but for high liquid rates deck type distributor better solutions.
  • Fouling: Elevated holes are advised when designing gravity distributors for fouling applications. Also hole size should be maximize while maintain adequate drip point density based on size of packing. If required multi-drip point trough distributor should be considered.
  • Feed condition: Correct feed entry device should be used when introducing too hot or too cold liquid in to packed bed when compared to internal temperature profile of the column. Further introducing two phase feed care should be taken. Also use of correct pre-distributor device, such as flashing feed pipe or flash box is critical, when introducing two phase feed in to packed bed distributor. Pressure distributor such as pipe lateral or spray nozzle distributor should not be used when dealing with two phase feed.

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Tray Vs Packing

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Random Packing Vs Structured Packing

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Feed Pipe Liquid Distributor

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Spray Nozzle Distributor

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Trough Type Liquid Distributor

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Trough Type Liquid Distributor with Baffle

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Deck Type Liquid Distributor

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Pan Type Liquid Distributor

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Collector Tray

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Vane Type Collector Tray

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Gas Injection Support Plate

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Support Grid

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Random Packing Bed Limiter

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Structured Packing Hold Down Grid

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Tangential Vapor Horn

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Radial Vapor Horn

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Tangential Horn

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Vane Type Feed Distributor

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Flashing Feed Gallery

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Disperser Support Plate

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